Introducing On-track Competition in the Passenger Rail Services 2019
13. – 15. března 2019
Hlavní téma: Soutěž na železnici v režimu open acess
Cíl: sdílet zkušenosti s konkurencí na železnici v různých zemích Evropské unie
Ve spolupráci Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Masarykovy univerzity a Journal of Rail Transportation Planning and Management byl zorganizován round table, který se zaměřil na open access konkurenci na železnici. Roud table byl koordinován profesorem Chrisem Nashe, dr. Phillem Wheatem a doc. Zdeňkem Tomešem.
Paolo Beria, Alberto Bertolin, Samuel Tolentino a Gabriele Filippini |
Long-distance rail prices in a competitive market. Evidences from head-on competition in Italy |
Monika Jandová a Tomáš Paleta |
Impact of on-track competition on public finances - the case of the Czech Republic |
Alexander Stead, Phill Wheat a Andrew Smith |
Marcin Król, Jakub Taczanowski, Stefan Jarecki a Arkadiusz Kołoś |
Zdeněk Tomeš a Hana Fitzová |
Martin Kvizda |
Open access passenger rail competition in Slovakia –experience from the Bratislava –Košice line |
Juan Montero |
Asymmetric regulation for on-track competition in European railways? |
Lorenzo Casullo a Luca Bellodi |
Parallel Tracks: The Impact of Independent Regulators on Open-access Competition in the Railways |
Mirjana Bugarinović a Branislav Bošković |
PSO contract management vs. on-track competition in the passenger rail services |
Martin Smoliner |
System train path as key to efficient infrastructure usage for on-track competition in ITF-regimes |
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